Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Early dark horse favorites aside, the Liberals have a choice between two former Atlantic Premieres to lead the Liberals into the next election. All of the other candidates have a lot to recommend them, and I'll waste a lot of space examining them (by that, I mean, discrediting their candidacy). However, if Liberal renewal has come to mean anything in the last 25 years, it revolves around the one thing that Liberals believe in most.

A friend of mine keeps reminding me of the truth above, and I'm inclined to agree with him. I want to think that the militants in the party will want to stake out an ideological ground, a staging point for a counter-attack against the Conservatives for the next election. This means that they will make a stand on a policy issue with which the Tories disagree, and they'll make the appeal to the electorate that the NDP can't do anything to stop the Tories. This is what the Liberals do.

I want to think that will happen, but it won't. They'll pick a new leader who says all the right things, and run the same campaign with a different face. And both of these men offer the Liberals the opportunity to do just that.

First, they've both run succesful provicial campaign as leaders of their respective Liberal parties and won. They've held power and used it.

Second, they have experience that extends beyond the provincial level, and into international arenas. It makes Liberals all gooey inside when they think they're leader may know Chirac.

Lastly, name recognition. It doesn't matter what they represent, that can be filled in later. What's important, is that the latte and scone set will be doubling their Xanax prescriptions as long as Harper keeps doing what he said he's going to do.

On occasion, I am prone to wishful thinking. So, I say with guarded optimism that neither man will accomplish much by way of pushing back the Tory gains. Methinks that the Liberal party is in for a massive reorganization which could keep them out of power for quite some time.

But more on that some other day. The game's starting.


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