Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Constitutional algebra

Better men than me have already chimed in on the Quebecois nation notion silliness, so I won't spit out someone else's ideas translated into Francese. Needless to say, it's a bad day for Canada and for her particular kind of federalism. It's a bad day for the Tories, the Grits, and das Kapitalers.

Quebec federalists lose by winning, Alberta separatists win by Reform attrition, and the Canadian nation atrophies from a diet of constitutional reform and a steady routine of navel-gazing.

Thus, the following: (see if you can solve for x,y and z. Winners get a diabetic coma.)

It won't be long into the future that the minimum conditions for x will be intolerable to y. z will say to y to be generous, to which y will balk and tell z to stop being such a pussy, show some self respect and stand for something other than the national anthem. z will go back to x, upset that everyone's fighting.

On a side note, partisan politicians should never agree on anything, not even the theory of gravity. When they do, they're always wrong.


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